What do they do?

Mision Caribe is located in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. It exists to teach the Gospel, and to help meet the physical needs of the people of Honduras. Led by Honduran nationals, they have planted seven churches, which are now thriving! They have made it a priority to train and equip leaders to serve in these new churches.

In addition to fulfilling spiritual needs, they work to meet the physical demands of hunger, clothing, and housing for the poor in Honduras through building, food, medical, and educational programs.

How are we involved?

With the CORE’s focus on church-planting, Mision Caribe was a natural fit for us. We send groups down on a regular basis to participate in the ministry and provide them with material assistance as needs arise.

Short term mission trips with the CORE

Interested in taking a short-term mission trip to Honduras with us? Contact Barry Zimmerman for more information.


You can learn more about Mision Caribe by visiting their website.