Sundays are more than a service…
Far too often in our culture church is simply thought of as something you attend. But this was never what God intended. His Church is about community. It’s about His family. It’s about spending time together and living life together. When we reduce His family to a service we miss many of the blessings God intends for our lives.
This is what happens on Sundays with us.
At the CORE Christian Community we set Sundays aside, as the Church historically has, as a day for Jesus’ family to gather to worship, to build relationships, to be equipped to live the life Jesus intends for us, and to not just attend a service but to BE the Church.
Our time of worship includes music, a message, a time of giving, and a time to take The Lord’s Supper (Communion).
Email Stephanie

Connect Groups are simply people getting together to build relationships. Some groups go out to eat at restaurants or homes. Other groups do an activity like running, volleyball, games, or go down to the shooting range. Still others simply go back to homes to relax and talk.
Email Monica