We believe there a few basic things that are needed by all Christians if they are to grow in their relationship with God and each other. We define these things as the CORE of who we are. The idea is to challenge you to some very specific commitments that will enable you to mature in you life as a Christian. We believe if you commit to the four parts of the CORE you will find yourself growing in your relationship to God and better equipped to engage the world around you.
Corporate Worship
We’re striving to become a community of people who love each other and all those God gives us opportunity to connect with. We don’t want to go through the motions of religion, but to truly be the Church God intends us to be, to be ambassadors for Jesus in a world desperately in need of a place they can call home. We meet weekly to worship together. Our response to what God has done and what we stand for encompasses our true devotion and conviction. When we worship corporately, we’re declaring to each other and to God that we are citizens of His Kingdom. Our worship then extends throughout our daily lives. We want you to have a place where you can explore what God has in store for your life. We want you to simply come as you are and share in our common journey of discovering how to better love God and each other.

Corporate Worship
We’re striving to become a community of people who love each other and all those God gives us opportunity to connect with. We don’t want to go through the motions of religion, but to truly be the Church God intends us to be, to be ambassadors for Jesus in a world desperately in need of a place they can call home. We meet weekly to worship together. Our response to what God has done and what we stand for encompasses our true devotion and conviction. When we worship corporately, we’re declaring to each other and to God that we are citizens of His Kingdom. Our worship then extends throughout our daily lives. We want you to have a place where you can explore what God has in store for your life. We want you to simply come as you are and share in our common journey of discovering how to better love God and each other.
Others Focused
The primary ways we try to focus on others is through giving of our talents, gifts, time, and resources within our congregation, our community, and world. God wants to use us to love all those He created. The question isn’t, “Do we have the resources to do it?” The question is “Will we release them for the purpose God has given them for?” To this end, we have decided to give a percentage of what is committed each year to ministry outside our “building.” Our desire is not to just “send a check,” but to actively partner with others in need and make a significant difference.

Others Focused
The primary ways we try to focus on others is through giving of our talents, gifts, time, and resources within our congregation, our community, and world. God wants to use us to love all those He created. The question isn’t, “Do we have the resources to do it?” The question is “Will we release them for the purpose God has given them for?” To this end, we have decided to give a percentage of what is committed each year to ministry outside our “building.” Our desire is not to just “send a check,” but to actively partner with others in need and make a significant difference.
At the heart of the Christian life is relationships. God is the originator of relationships and, therefore, He does not intend for us to simply attend church, but to BE the Church. With the CORE Christian Community, that means we are a family. In our churches you can’t know everyone, but you must know some people really well. The early Church cared for each other in small familial groups, and we seek to do the same thing. We don’t know with whom or how God will bring relationships into your life with us, but we are committed to making sure you have opportunities to find out through corporate worship services, events, Connect Groups, Equip Groups, and many other points of connection.

At the heart of the Christian life is relationships. God is the originator of relationships and, therefore, He does not intend for us to simply attend church, but to BE the Church. With the CORE Christian Community, that means we are a family. In our churches you can’t know everyone, but you must know some people really well. The early Church cared for each other in small familial groups, and we seek to do the same thing. We don’t know with whom or how God will bring relationships into your life with us, but we are committed to making sure you have opportunities to find out through corporate worship services, events, Connect Groups, Equip Groups, and many other points of connection.
Just as a body needs good food to continue to mature, so too Christians need a healthy diet of spiritual food. We are to love God with all our heart, soul, strength, AND mind. Through educating ourselves on God’s word, we become more effective servants in His kingdom and better equipped to engage the world around us. We offer various educational opportunities through Equip Groups. These are offered on Sunday afternoons and throughout the year, and focus on various topics essential to growing in our knowledge of God (Bible Overviews, Life of Christ, Church History, Theology, etc.).

Just as a body needs good food to continue to mature, so too Christians need a healthy diet of spiritual food. We are to love God with all our heart, soul, strength, AND mind. Through educating ourselves on God’s word, we become more effective servants in His kingdom and better equipped to engage the world around us. We offer various educational opportunities through Equip Groups. These are offered on Sunday afternoons and throughout the year, and focus on various topics essential to growing in our knowledge of God (Bible Overviews, Life of Christ, Church History, Theology, etc.).
Want to know more?
Starting Point
The Starting Point Equip Group is designed to be a place for newcomers to meet our Lead Pastors and other leadership, learn about the history of our community, discuss what we believe and teach, get questions answered, and meet others who are newer to our congregations. Our goal is to help you discover if Meridian Point Church , Hills Christian Church , or Access Christian Church is the place God is calling you to be! Learn more about Starting Point.